RIT - Clean the World - Willow

Due to the pandemic, there are more survivors of domestic abuse than ever before, and they need  your help.  Through Clean the World’s Social Entrepreneurship Experiential Program, Rochester Institute of Technology MBA students are raising money to donate much needed hygiene kits to the Willow Domestic Violence Center in Rochester, NY.  These kits will be given to Willow’s emergency shelter and ensure that survivors of domestic abuse have the products they need to stay healthy during the pandemic.  Help us make a difference!

join us!

Both Clean the World and the Willow Domestic Violence Center are nonprofits that provide a way for people to work together for the common good.  Our partners rely on donations to continue to make the world a better place.  As students, we want to help our community and we know a little bit can go a long way.

Now, we want YOU to join us!

Let’s make the world a better place, and let’s do it together.